






圖卡兌換溝通系統 ; 後設分析 ; Picture Exchange Communication System ; Meta-analysis




53期(2012 / 06 / 01)


96 - 110




圖卡兌換溝通系統(Picture Exchange Communication System)為一實用性極廣的溝通方式,為有意圖溝通之非口語或低口語身心障礙者與人互動的管道之一。本篇綜合近年來針對圖卡兌換溝通系統的相關實作研究進行分析探討,歸納出目前研究的方向、實務介入後的發現,並於基本的六階段之外,重申圖卡兌換溝通系統的重要議題-生活化以及自然化的介入,回歸自然的生活,才是溝通的目的以及精髓。

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
  1. 林欣怡、楊宗仁(2004)。圖卡兌換溝通系統對改善國小低功能自閉症學生自發性溝通行為類化之成效。特殊教育研究學刊,29,199-224。
  2. 唐紀絜、林惠芬、龔仁棉、簡言軒(2004)。唐氏症幼兒[圖片兌換溝通系統] 教學成效之初探。身心障礙研究,2(4),240-256。
  3. Angermeier, K.,Schlosser, R. W.,Luiselli, J. K.,Harrington, C.,Carter, B.(2008).Effects of iconicity on requesting with the Picture Exchange Communication System in children with autism spectrum disorder.Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders,2(3),430-446.
  4. Beck, A. R.,Stoner, J. B.,Bock, S. J.,Parton, T.(2008).Comparison of PECS and the use of a VOCA: a replication.Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities,43(2),198-216.
  5. Bondy, A.,Frost, L.(2001).A picture's worth: PECS and other visual communication strategies in autism.Bethesda:Woodbine House.
  6. Carr, D.,Felce, J.(2007).Brief report: Increase in production of spoken words in some children with autism after PECS teaching to phase III.Journal of autism and developmental disorders,37(4),780-787.
  7. Charlop-Christy, M. H.,Carpenter, M.,Le, L.,LeBlanc, L. A.,Kellet, K.(2002).Using the picture exchange communication system (PECS) with children with autism: assessment of PECS acquisition, speech, socialcommunicative behavior, and problem behavior.Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis,35(3),213-231.
  8. Flippin, M.,Reszka, S.(2010).Effectiveness of the picture exchange communication system (PECS) on communication and speech for children with autism spectrum disorders: A meta-analysis.American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology,19(2),178-195.
  9. Frost, L.,Bondy, A.,Bondy, R.(2002).The picture exchange communication system training manual.Pyramid Educational Products.
  10. Ganz, J. B.,Simpson, R. L.(2004).Effects on communicative requesting and speech development of the Picture Exchange Communication System in children with characteristics of autism.Journal of autism and developmental disorders,34(4),395-409.
  11. Ganz, J. B.,Simpson, R. L.,Corbin-Newsome, J.(2008).The impact of the Picture Exchange Communication System on requesting and speech development in preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders and similar characteristics.Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders,2(1),157-169.
  12. Howlin, P.,Gordon, R. K.,Pasco, G.,Wade, A.,Charman, T.(2007).The effectiveness of Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) training for teachers of children with autism: a pragmatic, group randomised controlled trial.Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,48(5),473-481.
  13. Kravits, T. R.,Kamps, D. M.,Kemmerer, K.,Potucek, J.(2002).Brief report: Increasing communication skills for an elementary-aged student with autism using the Picture Exchange Communication System.Journal of autism and developmental disorders,32(3),225-230.
  14. Tincani, M.(2004).Comparing the picture exchange communication system and sign language training for children with autism.Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities,19(3),152-163.
  15. Tincani, M.,Crozier, S.,Alazetta, L.(2006).The Picture Exchange Communication System: Effects on manding and speech development for school-aged children with autism.Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities,41(2),177-184.
  16. Yoder, P.,Stone, W. L.(2006).Randomized comparison of two communication interventions for preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders.Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,74(3),426-435.
  17. 周信鐘(2008)。碩士論文(碩士論文)。嘉義,國立嘉義大學。
  18. 姜雅玲(2000)。運用輔助科技對增進國小中度自閉症學生溝通能力之研究。工業科技教育學刊,3,77-86。
  19. 胡雅婷(2009)。碩士論文(碩士論文)。花蓮,國立花蓮教育大學。
  20. 許耀分(2003)。碩士論文(碩士論文)。臺北市,臺北市立教育大學。
  21. 陳明瑜(2009)。碩士論文(碩士論文)。嘉義,國立嘉義大學。
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  23. 馮鈺真、江秋樺(2010)。圖片對換溝通系統再自閉症兒童溝通能力之應用。雲嘉特教,12,43-51。
  24. 葉奕緯(2011)。碩士論文(碩士論文)。屏東,國立屏東教育大學。
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  26. 廖芳碧、朱經明(2001)。碩士論文(碩士論文)。臺中,臺中師範學院。
  27. 劉怡君(2011)。圖片兌換溝通系統對國小啟智班學生主動溝通行為之應用。東華特教,46,8-14。
  28. 鄭善次(2009)。碩士論文(碩士論文)。花蓮,國立花蓮教育大學。
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  1. 黃澤洋、李翠玲(2014)。自閉症學童輔助溝通系統介入成效:系統性回顧與後設分析。特殊教育與輔助科技學報,7,23-49。