


The Prevention of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in the Countries of Taiwan after the Second World War from 1947 to 1966




鄔孟慧(Meng-Hui Wu)


肺結核病 ; 農復會 ; 結核菌素測驗 ; BCG ; 預防 ; 結核病死亡率 ; pulmonary TB ; JCRR ; tuberculin test ; BCG ; prevention ; the mortality rate of TB




9期(2006 / 07 / 01)


87 - 116




第二次世界大戰之後,臺灣因外來人口的大量移入,加上無良好的通報系統,導致肺結核病的傳染情形嚴重,死亡率也遽增。直至1947年5月省衛生處成立後,才較爲積極的進行結核病防治工作。之後,外援提供臺灣在結核病防治工作方面的協助,促使全省性的防癆計劃得以推展開來。一般人們所患的結核病中大多數爲肺結核病,所以結核病的防治對象,一向是以肺結核病患爲主。於1949年底,臺灣獲得農復會的協助,開始試辦結核菌素測驗、卡介苗預防接種和防癆人力的訓練。在國內基層衛生機構和農復會的協助之下,使得基層防癆工作得以持續推動。不過,當時的臺灣基層防癆工作,仍出現以下三個問題尚待解決: 一、防癆衛生教育知識無法和醫療技術做搭配。 二、基層防癆人力的「量」和「質」仍屬不足。 三、防癆機構組織間的隸屬斷層,影響防癆業務的推展。


After the World War Ⅱ, a great deal of population migrated from China to Taiwan accompanying various public health problems. Despite infectious diseases like pulmonary TB increased and caused high mortality rates, no reliable reporting system and stable medical resources to ease the chaos due to the war damages. Until May, 1947, the authorities to charge of public health affairs was re-built and started to carry out the mission of TB prevention. Beside the establishment of governmental institutions, foreign aids played an important role to provide necessary assistance for the TB prevention project in Taiwan. The accomplishment in administration and medical resources eventually pushed the preventive plans islandwide. Since the majority of TB patients were pulmonary cases, the pulmonary TB obviously became the main target in the preventive activities. By the end of 1949, Taiwan finally received foreign aids including medical resources and the trainings of the TB preventive personnel that were especially channeled by JCRR. During the early stage of applying foreign aids, the public health authorities tried to carry out tuberculin test and to inject BCG. Under ”the supports of the public health bureau and JCRR”, the prevention of TB. diseases in the countries could he continually advanced. There were still three problems about the Prevention of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in the countries as followings: 1. The knowledge and the medical technique of the prevention of pulmonary TB diseases hardly worked in coordination. 2. The stortage and the poor quality of manpower were the obvious problem in the TB prevention. 3. Because there was the connection which had broken down partially in the organizations of the TB prevention, the promotion of the public health matters were affected by the same reason.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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