


The Development and Transition of the Maritime Trade during the Song Dynasty: A Study from Canton to Quanzhou




楊宗霖(Zong-Lin Yang)


廣州 ; 泉州 ; 市舶司 ; 海上貿易 ; Canton ; Quanzhou ; Shih-po ssu ; seaborne commerce




12期(2009 / 07 / 01)


235 - 290






This essay focuses on the transfer of maritime trade during the Song Dynasty, that is, a main harbor switched from Canton to Quanzhou. As the economic core area of the Northern Song Dynasty gradually moved south, and later the Southern Song Dynasty revived after the Jingkang chaos, the south regions further prospered and developed. On the whole, the majority of seaborne commerce concentrated in the southern ports, especially in Canton and Quanzhou. Canton, the most important harbor in the Northern Song Dynasty, benefited from the policies including establishing the first Shih-po ssu (Maritime Trade Commission), rewarding the foreign traders, and setting up foreigners' community. All of these made Canton, once a remote harbor, become a gateway to the sea. But after Quanzhou established Shih-po ssu in 1087, it eventually replaced Canton as the leading harbor in China. The main reasons causing a fast development of Quanzhou were the maritime tradition in Fujian, the move of the capital to Lin-an, and the routes both toward Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia. Besides, Pu Shougeng had handled Shih-po ssu of Quanzhou in the late Song and early Yuan for thirty years. He continued pushing the foreign communication and maritime trade. In the following years, Quanzhou never began to decline till the Ming Dynasty.The transition from Canton to Quanzhou comprised many complex factors and specific background. Why Canton became marginalized, and how the rise of Quanzhou were also the subjects of this research.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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