


Japanese Public Opinion and Propaganda in China under the Sino-Japanese Negotiations: A Discourse Analysis of Shuntian Times' Coverage on the Twenty-One Demands


楊鎵民(Jia-Min Yang)


中日談判 ; 在華日人 ; 順天時報 ; 二十一條 ; Sino-Japanese Negotiations ; Japanese in China ; "Shuntian Times" ; the Twenty-One Demands




17期(2014 / 07 / 01)


211 - 269






The essay focuses on Shuntian Times' coverage on the Sino-Japanese Twenty-One Demands (1915). "Shuntian Times" (順天時報) is a Japanese newspaper in Beijing (北京) China. On Twenty-One Demand, most research pay attention to Chinese newspaper and propaganda, but this essay focuses on Japanese public opinion and propaganda in China. The role of Japanese in China was sensitive, especially when they were running newspaper. How did "Shuntian Times" report on Sino-Japanese issue when it had to take care of both Chinese and Japanese's opinions? The essay analyzes Shuntian Times' propaganda strategy and its effect on the Yuan Shih-kai(袁世凱) government. The article suggests that Shuntian Times' standpoint coordinated with Japanese government's ruling strategy. It allows the Japanese government to take advantage of the media as a publicity organ, exerting pressure on the Yuan Shih-kai government to accept the agreement. On the other hand, the Yuan Shih-kai government also used "Shuntian Times" as a counterplot. It used the press to observe Japanese public opinion. Finally, because of its unique role, "Shuntian Times" maintained objectivity by positioning itself at arm's length between two governments.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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