


The Study on the Relocation of Fan Memorial Institute of Biology During the Second Sino-Japanese War


趙淑婷(Shu-Ting Chao)


抗戰 ; 靜生生物調查所 ; 內遷 ; the Second Sino-Japanese War ; Fan Memorial Institute ; the relocation




18期(2015 / 07 / 01)


53 - 81




1937 年,抗日戰爭全面爆發,國內安全局勢惡化。原位於北平的靜生生物調查所迫於安全壓力,正常的研究活動被打斷。為保存科研實力,靜生生物調查所遂向大後方轉移。本文試圖以靜生生物調查所為研究本體,從歷史條件、科研機構的創建、發展,以及其在抗戰全面爆發後內遷至大西南,堅持科學研究的過程入手,全面描述這一民營科研機構的面貌與變遷,從微觀角度觀察這一時期內遷民營科研機構的生態。抗戰時期,原位於戰區的民營科研機構多有類似遷移,雖是受敵人侵略破壞而被迫之遷舉,且在流亡遷移的過程中自身發展受到限制,但內遷行為從根本上保存了國家民間的科研力量,對抗戰勝利後的發展具有重大意義。


With the full explosion of the Second Sino-Japanese War since 1937, the domestic security went on the downhill path. The Fan Memorial Institute(靜生調查研究所), formerly located in Beiping, was interrupted with its normal and routine research. Given the exasperating internal situation and the need of preserving its own studying capacity, the Fan Memorial Institute began its transferring to the rear area. Focusing on the Fan Memorial Institute, this paper tries to depict comprehensively this institute's vicissitude within every respect from its foundation, growth and its researching work after shifting to the southern west of China. Meanwhile, via this certain institute, we also want to examine the whole environment of the nongovernmental science and research departments during the war time. There are several transferences similar to the shift of the Fan Memorial Institute having happened during the Second Sino-Japanese War. Even though these relocations were coerced to carry out due to the invasion and these institutes had experienced many restrictions against their own developments, the deliberate inward-moving has much significance in maintaining non-governmentally scientific researching strength and laying foundations for the development after the victory of the Second Sino-Japanese War.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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