


The Diverse Societal Cultures Revealed by Muslim Inscriptions -Take the Quanzhou area in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties as an example


丁世宗(Ding, Shyh-tzong)


伊斯蘭教 ; 穆斯林碑刻 ; 回民族譜 ; Islam ; Muslim inscriptions ; Hui national genealogy




24&25期(2022 / 07 / 01)


1 - 56






Islam was introduced to China in the Tang Dynasty. The mosque built in the Northern Song Dynasty in Quanzhou is still standing there. Historical research has confirmed that this mosque is one of the oldest Islamic buildings in China. Its exotic architectural form is unique in China. Quanzhou's Islamic culture has been rich and diverse since ancient times. This study is set in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, because many Muslim inscriptions were unearthed in Quanzhou in modern times, and most of these inscriptions belonged to the Yuan Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, the Hui people in Quanzhou began to compile genealogy, and the compilation of genealogy was an important practice of localization. This paper analyzes the relevant inscriptions in the Yuan Dynasty, and uses the Hui nationality genealogy and related historical materials in the Ming Dynasty to prove the diverse social culture of Quanzhou in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties. Quanzhou Islamic inscriptions highlight the prosperous past of Islamic social culture in Quanzhou. The Yuan Dynasty tombstone inscriptions are the most unearthed, representing the most prosperous Islamic social culture in Quanzhou in the Yuan Dynasty. The stone carvings on tombstones unearthed in the Ming Dynasty are not as good as those in the Yuan Dynasty, representing the weakening of the Islamic society and culture at that time. The Muslim inscriptions unearthed in Quanzhou have rich and diverse histories worthy of further reflection. These tombstones represent the wonderful life of Muslims in Quanzhou in the past. The verses of the Koran identified on the tombstone not only represent Muslims' adherence to their beliefs, but also show the high level of practitioners in Quanzhou's Islamic society and culture at that time, especially their mastery of Arabic. Ancient Islamic tombstones and stone carvings continue to be unearthed in contemporary times, which not only shows the eternity of Quanzhou Islamic social and cultural studies, but also shows that Muslims at that time were obsessed with the world and made a different voice for themselves.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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