


Military Culture of the Late Qing New Army (1903-1911)




清末 ; 新軍 ; 北洋陸軍 ; 軍事文化 ; 軍事效能 ; Late Qing ; New Army ; Luchun ; Military Culture ; Military Effectiveness




24&25期(2022 / 07 / 01)


187 - 224






While Late Qing government first established "New Army," (or the officially-called "Luchun") the Qing military authority did manage to build up a new military culture as well. In order to realize this plan,Qing military authority tried hard to advocate their ideal culture standard, making it wide spread among their troops. However, the actual effectiveness depended heavily on the attitude of the cadets. If a cadet deeply believed on this new set of moral standard, then the whole troop under his command would boost toward a new phase of vigor. Conversely, the troop would still casted by the shadow of incorrigible old military customs. The reason that old military customs couldn't be swept out by the official culture standard once and for all was because the "conjunction" between army and society. Soldiers came from traditional society thus the social customs automatically flew into the army. Besides, due to the "inheritance" of military culture, conventional military cultures passed down from one generation to another, especially a number of the New Army cadets came from old army. Consequently, negative customs such as corruption did transmit into New Army as well. To some extent, these negative factors did erode the military effectiveness of the New Army. Nevertheless, there were still a group of reformists within New Army. Although they owned different national identity, these people devoted themselves to reform the New Army, in order to strengthen China. The existence of these young officers and soldiers proved that New Army could not be simply concluded as "paper tiger" nor was modern China "a culture of no arms."

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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