


Mother-infant and Father-infant Interaction in Single-wage and Dual-wage Families


孫麗卿(Li-Ching Sun)


一歲嬰兒 ; 父母親與嬰兒互動行為 ; 雙薪家庭 ; 生活幸福感 ; 社會支持 ; One-years-old infant ; Parents-infant interaction ; Double-wage family ; Social support ; Personal well-being




26期(2015 / 10 / 01)


27 - 42






The purpose of this research was to compare mother-infant and father - infant interaction in single -wage and double -wage families. This study also investigated whether mother-infant interaction related to mother's social support and well-being. The data was collected by observing mother-infant and father-infant interaction in home and asking mothers to fill out the social support scale and well-being scale. Subjects were 14 single -wage and 17 double -wage couples in Kaohsiung and Pintung Areas. Sixteen male and 15 female infants were involved in this study. T-test and Pearson correlation analysis were used to analyze the data. The results showed that mothers were more engaged in caregiving, playing, vocalizing and displaying social and affective behaviors with their infants than were the fathers. In comparison playing behaviors, mothers were more likely to engage in object play while fathers were more likely to engage in rough play with infants. The single-wage mothers performed more often playing behavior with infants than did double-wage mothers. The double-wage fathers were more engaged in caregiving and playing with their infants than were the single-wage fathers. Otherwise, mother's personal well-being and social support were not significantly different between single and double wage families and not related to mother- infant interaction.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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