


The Influence of Curriculum on Children with Emotional Event and Emotional Accommodation in Inclusion Classroom


謝明昆(Ming-Kun Hsieh);杜雪淇(Hsueh-Chi Tu);范筱惠(Hsiao-Hui Fan);楊麗娜(Li-Na Yang);鍾海萍(Hai-Ping Chung)


融合教育 ; 發展遲緩 ; 社區融合主題開放教學 ; 情緒適應能力 ; 課程與教學 ; 中央集權齊一式教師本位教保模式 ; Inclusive education ; Developmental Delay ; Theme Opening Teaching Embedded in Community ; Emotional Accommodation ; Curriculum and Teaching




29期(2018 / 12 / 01)


39 - 65




本研究以三個幼兒園之融合教育班的各三名發展遲緩幼兒為研究對象,其中一個幼兒園的三名幼兒分配在兩班,另外兩個幼兒園的三名幼兒則在同一班。依據三個幼兒園的生活作息表,反映他們各有不同的課程模式,進行比較研究。本研究採用事件取樣觀察法(event sampling),由研究者中2名幼兒園教師及2名在縣政府「學前特殊教育」巡迴輔導員,藉由每週一次巡迴輔導時間,觀察融合班內發展遲緩幼兒的情緒事件作紀錄,每次觀察一個上午,共觀察五週。研究目的為比較融合教育班裡的發展遲緩幼兒,在成人本位教保課程模式與趨向兒童本位教保課程模式的學習情境裡,其自發性學習行為表現的差異情形,研究結果提供發展學前特殊教育課程、教材、教法與評量之參考。研究發現有採用趨向兒童本位課程模式的幼兒園,其發展遲緩幼兒表現出較多的自發性利他行為、較少的衝突行為及正向情緒較多、負向情緒較少,且自發性利他行為比較多元,不會只固定於少數行為上。結論是不同的教學模式導致幼兒園融合教育班發展遲緩幼兒在幼兒的情緒覺察辨識、理解、表達與調節等情緒能力上,產生了巨大的差異性,也發現社區融合模式教保服務人員對於幼兒情緒事件的處理較富有效性。據而建議:新課程大綱既已規範應實施幼兒本位教保活動,為提升教保品質,包含常態幼兒與發展遲緩幼兒等,就應確實落實,朝向且著力在幼兒本位的教保模式應用,捨棄或調整現行中央集權齊一式教師本位教保模式的推廣。落實幼兒本位教保模式除了能增進情緒領域能力之外,亦助益各領域能力之發展,也能增進教保服務人員專業成長。幼兒在開放教育環境裡,沒有被嚴格控制,讓他每天有更多的自主學習機會。因此為增進發展遲緩幼兒自發性行為,研究建議推展「趨向兒童本位教育課程模式」,例如研究者推薦實施「社區融合主題開放教學模式」課程教學。推展方法包括辦理教學觀摩與研習,以及辦理入園輔導。


The research subjects consist of children with developmental delay in three inclusion classrooms, with three students respectively, in three kindergartens. Among the subjects, three children are put in two classrooms. For two other kindergartens, three children in each one kindergarten are put in one classroom. Daily schedules of the three kindergartens reflect different curriculum models respectively. Event sampling is used in this research. Through an itinerant guidance each week, one county government itinerant teacher in early childhood education, two researchers of our research, observes the initiative behaviors of children with developmental delay in inclusion classrooms. The initiative behaviors include living habits of "Joyful Self-Care Behavior" and "Respectful Behavior to Help Others," with each observation taking one hour that makes a total of 9 weeks of observation. Purpose of this research lies in comparing the differences of initiative learning behaviors for children with developmental delay in inclusive classrooms in a learning context where adult-based education and children-based curriculum model are implemented. Research findings are made available as reference for pre-school inclusive program model, teaching materials, method and evaluation. Our research indicates that children with developmental delay learning in a kindergarten where children-based curriculum model is implemented show more initiative behaviors which are more multiple by not focusing on only on a few behaviors. In an open learning environment, young children weren't kept under strict control that they have more learning opportunities every day. To enhance the initiative behaviors of children with developmental delay, we suggest the promotion of "Children-based Curriculum Model," such as the implementation of "Theme Opening Teaching Embedded in Community" recommended by researchers, with the promotional methods including teaching demo and seminar and on-site guidance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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