


The Development of "An Analogical Reasoning Test for Young Children"


鄭雅丰(Ya-Feng Cheng)


類比推理 ; 幼兒認知發展 ; 幼兒發展評量 ; analogical reasoning ; cognitive development in young children ; developmental assessment of young children




30期(2019 / 12 / 01)


1 - 23






The purpose of this study was to develop "An Analogical Reasoning Test for Young Children" and investigate the development of young children's analogical reasoning skills. The subjects were 160 young children between 4-6 years of age. This test was used to explore the differences of analogical reasoning performances in age(4, 5, and 6 years old), test type(the drawings subtest and the geometry subtest), and difficulty(I and II) to evaluate the test quality and observe the subjects' analogical reasoning performance. The results showed that this test could reflect the analogical reasoning performances of young children across different age and competency groups. The performance difference between age groups might be more effectively clarified through tests of different difficulties than through only tests of different types. In this study, young children aged 4-5 years old showed a steady growth in analogical reasoning skills, the improvement was more significant among those aged between 5-6 years old, and the older six-year-old group was still in the development stage of analogical reasoning skills. The experimental results could be a reference for research and assessment of analogical reasoning in young children as well as for design of analogical reasoning instructions for young children.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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