


Development of Self-Discipline Activity for Preschool Children


蔡彥達(Yen-Ta Tsai);賴世烱(Shih-Chiung Lai);尤秀綾(Hsiu-Ling Yu)


學齡前兒童 ; 自律活動 ; 科爾伯格(Kohlberg) ; 阿德勒(Adler) ; 計步器 ; preschool children ; self-discipline activity ; Kohlberg ; Adler ; pedometer




30期(2019 / 12 / 01)


101 - 117




本研究以Kohlberg道德發展階段論和Adler人生原型理論〈人生風格〉為基礎,設定以下二個研究目的:1.瞭解學齡前兒童潛在的自律活動之行為,及2.探討自律活動對學齡前兒童身體活動量之影響。方法:4-6歲混齡之學齡前兒童87名為實驗參加者,將其設定為A組〈跑步組,N=29〉、B組〈繪本跑步組,N=30〉、C組〈對照組,N=28〉。研究工具包括CATIGA電子計步器〈T-92型〉,記錄基準週及第2、4、6、8週之身體活動量〈即跑步步數〉。所蒐集資料以共變數分析(ANCOVA)以及混合設計二因子變異數分析(mixed-designed two-way ANOVA)來檢驗各組學齡前兒童之自律行為,並進一步探討自律活動對其身體活動量之影響。結果:1.A組跑步步數由737.8步上升至1431.8步;B組由704.2步上升至1088.8步,二組皆有上升趨勢;C組則無顯著差異。2.A、B組〈自律養成組〉所測得之身體活動量進步率均優於C組〈對照組〉。結論:1.學齡前兒童具有不同程度之自律活動行為,及2.自律活動能提升學齡前兒童之身體活動量。


Based on Kohlberg's stages of moral development and Alder's theory of life prototype (the style of life), the aims of the current study were 1) to understand the potential self-discipline behavior of preschool children, and 2) to investigate the impact of self-discipline behavior on the physical activity of preschool children. Eighty-seven kindergarten children (4-6 years old) from Taipei city participated in the study. They were assigned to three groups: group A (running group, n = 29), group B (picture book and running group, n =30), and group C (control group, n = 28). With the recording of the CATIGA electronic pedometer (T-92), we measured children's amounts of physical activity (i.e. running steps) in the baseline, 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th weeks. The collected data were analyzed via the ANCOVA and the 2 (groups) by 5 (weeks) mixed-designed two-way ANOVA. All statistical difference levels were at α = .05. Results: 1. The running steps changed from 737.8 steps to 1431.8 steps and from 704.2 to 1088.8 steps for group A and group B, respectively; there showed non-significant differences in group C's steps. 2. The rate of improvement in physical activity measured in groups A and B (self-discipline group) were better than group C (control group). Conclusions: 1. Preschool children have different levels of self-discipline behavior. 2. Self-discipline activity improves the physical activity of the preschool children.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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