


Correlation among parenting stress, social support, and the satisfaction with life in married career women with infants aged 0-2-years


柯依汎(Yi-Fan Ko);翟敏如(Min-Ju Tsai)


親職壓力 ; 社會支持 ; 生活滿意度 ; 職業婦女 ; parenting stress ; social support ; satisfaction with life ; married career women




31期(2020 / 12 / 01)


19 - 36






The present study investigated the relationship among parenting stress, social support and satisfaction with life in married professional women with infants. The study used a survey research method. Questionnaires were distributed at infant care centers in Tainan, Taiwan, and 357 valid responses were obtained through simple random sampling. The research tools included a "parenting stress scale", "social support scale" and " satisfaction with life scale". Statistical analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, one -way analysis of variance, and multiple regression analysis. The research results are as follows: 1. On the parenting stress scale, average pressure in parental role pressure was the highest, and that in nurturing infants was the lowest. 2. On the social support scale, average emotional support was the highest, and average instrumental support was the lowest. 3. On the satisfaction with life scale, average satisfaction with workplace life was the highest, and that with daily life was the lowest. 4. Monthly family incomes significantly influence the satisfaction with life. 5. On the prediction results for parenting stress, social support, and satisfaction with life, parenting stress, social support and overall satisfaction with life, emotional and instrumental support significantly predicted overall satisfaction with life.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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