


Are there Differences in Various Regions? Implementation of Local Cultural Curriculum in Indigenous Area and Offshore Island Preschool Programs


蔡奇芳(Tsai, Chi-Fang);邱淑惠(Chiu, Shuhui)


在地文化課程 ; 國民教育幼兒班 ; 教保服務人員 ; 調查研究 ; Indigenous area and offshore island preschool programs ; local culture curriculum ; preschool educators




31期(2020 / 12 / 01)


37 - 58






This article explored the willingness, methods and difficulties of indigenous area and offshore island preschool programs in implementing local cultural courses, and compares the differences in various regions. A total of 647 questionnaires were collected. Findings included: (1) Most of the preschool educators were willing to actively improve their professional knowledge to implement local cultural courses. The main reasons for not implementing the local cultural curriculum were the lack of confidence to implement local cultural courses and unfamiliarity with local culture, (2) The implementation of the curriculum was mainly in the fields of natural humanities, arts and language, and the content focused on local cuisine, special festivals, natural and humanistic landscapes and agricultural special products; the curriculum arrangement was mainly based on the theme teaching integrated into the local culture or directly in the local Culture as the theme; the main resources used were supports from parents or community development associations, local old photos or films, and local plants; (3) The most common difficulties were the preschool educators' lack of confidence, inefficiency in collecting information in real time, or children's variety and lacks of experience. Different regions displayed little differences in willingness and difficulties. The main differences occurred in the implementation methods. Further suggestions were provided.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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