


Applying Case Method in a Course for Early Childhood Pre-service Teachers


蔡佳燕(Chia-Yen Tsai)


案例教學法 ; 幼兒園課室經營 ; 幼兒教育 ; 師資生 ; case method ; classroom management in preschools ; early childhood education ; pre-service teachers




33期(2022 / 12 / 01)


91 - 109






In this study, the case-study method was used to explore the teaching processand how pre-service teachers perform in the classroom after using the case-study method. This research process presents a complete picture of the learning effects of the case-study method on pre-service teachers. This research also employs action research. A total of 40 pre-service teachers participated in the study. Data were collected from written notes, document collection, feedback questionnaires, and interviews with pre-service teachers. The research results are as follows: Using the case method in teaching classroom management was feasuble. Pre-service teachers held a positive view of the case method to increase their thinking and expression, but need more time to digest the cases. Pre-service teachers understand how to deal with and solve issues similar to the case studies studied, although situations similar to most of the cases did not occur in theirteaching.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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