


Toward the Sustainable Development-A Retrospect of Pin-nan Industrial Area




林郁欽(Yu-Chin Lin)


永續發展 ; 濱南工業區 ; sustainable development ; Pin-nan Industrial Area




15期(2002 / 05 / 01)


181 - 203




過去四十多年來,台灣經濟發展雖然提高我們的所得與改善我們的物質生活,但是也帶來許多環境問題。「永續發展」一詞在近年來已被廣泛使用,產生「搭便車」及亂「戴綠帽」的現象(王俊秀,2000)。產業若「永遠繼續發展」下去,不採「煞車」修正的話,環境衝擊將持續擴大;最後將造成資源浪費枯竭、環境污染和生態惡化,反過來破壞了人類生存的基本條件。然而,產業發展最終的目的是要維護更好的環境,改善更好的生活品質。在探究產業發展時,首先需要了解「永續發展」的意義,從其內涵邁向永續才可達到產業發展最終的目的。 濱南工業區開發計畫案的提出獲得社會多方面的「回應」。本文首先探討永續發展的意義與內涵,從生態、經濟及社會等三個層面內涵反思政府政策與濱南工業區開發計畫案的環境衝擊,檢討提出可行替代方案與政策以及執行困難,最後提出一些議題提供我們檢討永續未來發展(development of sustainable futures)的願景。


For over forty years, Taiwan economic growth has increase the income and improved people's physical life. Also, it brings forth lots of environmental problems. To avoid the ”hitch hike” and ”wear green hat” (ref. Wang 2000) phenomena, we should take sustainable measures; otherwise there will be environmental impact, resources waste, environmental pollution and ecological deterioration, to a great extent damage to human existence. The widely-know terminology ”sustainable development” helps us to preserve our environments, to improve better living standard, and to achieve the ultimate goal of industrial development as well. This thesis deals with the meanings and connotation of the ”sustainable development.” It discusses three aspects of the sustainable development-ecology, economy, and society in full detail. Aiming at the perspective of Pin-nan 1ndustrial Area Planning, this thesis examines the policy and difficulties involved in Pin-nan Industrial Area, and offers other handy alternatives for further discussion of development of sustainable futures.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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