The purpose of this study was to explore the organizational structure and operation of International Working Group on Women and Sport (IWG), and its previous international conference. Contents analysis was used as research methods to analyze the documents related to IWG and its international conferences. Based on literature review, the results indicated that IWG has been established as an independent organization since 1994, and has well-built organizational structure, definite goals, and autonomous funding. In addition, IWG is very active for recruiting new members around the world, thus, it reflects global cultural diversity and a range of languages. Consequently, every IWG member shall be required specific skills, competencies, and knowledge to achieve its objectives and aims. Furthermore, the past four international conferences attended by rapidly increasing number of participant from various countries can achieve the specific goals because of the precise objectives, abundant contents and variable characteristics in different periods of development. In particular, the Brighton Declaration, the Windhoek Call for Action, the Montreal Tool Kit and the Kumamoto Commitment to Collaboration proclaimed after the conferences are in complete accord with the trend, and have been approved by a variety of international groups. Finally, this research tried to make further suggestions for promoting women to participate in recreational sports.