
不同身體質量指數學生之健康體適能差異-以2009 年黎明技術學院為例


Difference of Health-Related Fitness on Various BMI Level Students: A Case Study of LMIT in 2009




許家得(Chia-Te Hsu);黃憲鐘(Hsien-Chung Huang);李書維(Su-Wei Lee)


身體質量指數 ; 學生 ; 健康體適能 ; BMI ; students ; health-related fitness




11期(2011 / 06 / 01)


61 - 70






The purpose of this study was to investigate the health-related fitness status in Lee-Ming Institute of Technology in 2009. Subjects have 315 students that include 232 males and 83 females. So as to understands fitness situation of students and the teaching physical education reference. The method of the test was based on ”College students fitness passport” all testing use on PE class. This contents were include BMI, standing long jump, sit and reach, one-minute sit-up, 800m and 1,600m running for female and male. The investigated values were use descriptive statistics analyzed and one-way ANOVA. This results: 1) All health-related fitness for both male and female students had poor performance in muscular fitness and aerobic fitness and explosive power. 2) Body composition was no more differences, but BMI light level had more than heavy level. 3) Different level for BMI had poor performance in muscular fitness and aerobic fitness and explosive power. The conclusion was to future of teaching in PE course can to for each college students physical fitness differences promote that were be improved students physical ability.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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