


The Effect of Different Teaching Modes on Table Tennis Learning Effectiveness


莊哲偉(Che-Wei Chuang);王鈞逸(Chun-Yi Wang);張甄玲(Chen-Lin Chang)


桌球 ; 正拍 ; 反拍 ; table tennis ; forehand drive ; backhand drive




16期(2017 / 01 / 01)


37 - 47




目的:本研究之目的為探討傳統體育教學與體育數位教學兩種不同教學模式,對桌球運動紙筆測驗、反拍、正拍學習成效的影響。方法:隨機選取兩班興趣選項必修的桌球課程班級,並將其隨機分派為數位教學組(A班)及傳統教學組(D班),每班學生60人,於期初進行正拍及反拍技能前測,期末進行正拍、反拍後測及紙筆測驗。結果:一、數位教學組不論是在反拍(t = 19.104,p<.05)或正拍(t = 20.537,p<.05)的後測成績皆顯著優於傳統教學組,而數位教學組的筆試成績也顯著優於傳統教學組(t = 17.433,p<.05)。二、在數位教學組,反拍測驗部分,後測成績顯著優於前測成績(t = -89.407,p<.05),而在正拍測驗部分也有同樣的結果(t = -118.019,p<.05);在傳統教學組,反拍測驗後測成績同樣也是優於前測成績(t = -34.774,p<.05),而在正拍部分也有相同結果(t = -32.434,p<.05)。結論:一、兩種教學法皆可提升學生對於桌球運動的正、反拍技能,而透過數位教學學習成效較佳。二、利用數位教學融入體育課程對於學生紙筆測驗成績有顯著提升。


Purpose: This study investigates how the two different teaching approaches, traditional P.E. teaching and P.E. e-learning, affect written tests, learning achievement of backhand drive and forehand drive. Method: Studnets of two classes who took table tennis as their compulsory subject were randomly selected and they were randomly grouped into e-learning of P.E. (Class A) and P.E. traditional teaching (Class D). There were 60 students in each group. In the beginning of the semester, a pretest of backhand and forehand drives were conducted; in the end of the semester, a posttest of written test, backhand and forehand drives were performed. Results: First of all, in terms of backhand drive (t = 19.104,p<.05) and forehand drive (t = 20.537 , p<.05), group of e-learning's posttest performance was significantly better than group of traditional teaching. Second, for e-learning group, posttest performance of backhand drive (t = -89.407,p<.05) was significantly better than pretest performance of backhand drive. The result was the same with forehand drive (t = -118.019,p<.05). On the other hand, for group of traditional teaching, the posttest result of backhand drive was similarly better than pretest result of backhand drive (t = -34.774,p<.05) and the same with the result of forehand drive test(t = -32.434,p<.05). Conclusion: 1. It helps improve learning achievement of table tennis' backhand and forehand drives to integrate e-learning teaching approach into P.E. course. 2. Integrating e-learning teaching into P.E. course significantly improves students' written test result.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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