


Determinants of Theory of Planned Behavior on Public Bike System Behavior among University Students


陳冠儒(Kuan-Ju Chen);涂鵬斐(Peng-Fei Tu);林致呈(Chih-Cheng Lin);林東興(Tung-Hsing Lin)


態度 ; 主觀規範 ; 知覺行為控制 ; 公共自行車 ; attitude ; subjective norms ; perceptual behavior control ; Past behavior ; Public bike




18期(2019 / 01 / 01)


23 - 36




目的:探討大學生使用公共自行車的態度、主觀規範與知覺行為控制對行為意圖之影響。方法:以中興大學與亞洲大學的學生為研究對象,採便利抽樣的方式收集樣本,以網路上發放問卷與iBike站點不定時的發放,回收的問卷250份,包含100份的站點問卷(中興大學50份、亞洲大學50份),網路問卷150份,取得有效問卷232份,有效回收率為94%。統計方法為SPSS20.0線性迴歸分析。結果:本研究架構四變項態度(β = .22,p < .01)、主觀規範(β = .11,p > .05)、知覺行為控制(β = .21,p < .001)與過去行為(β = .32,p < .001)皆對意圖有影響力,其中又以過去行為對意圖的影響力最大。結論:本研究用計畫行為理論來進行研究,將可以洞悉大學生選擇使用公共自行車的背後原因,甚至可用於做市場區隔的基礎。


In this paper, the influence of attitudes, subjective norms, and perceptual behaviors of college students on the use of public bicycles were investigated. Specifically, the students of Chung Hsing University and Asian University were selected as the research subjects and the samples were collected using a convenient sampling manner. Questionnaires were distributed both online and in iBike sites from time to time. As a consequence, 250 questionnaires were returned, including 100 on-site questionnaires (50 from Chung Hsing University and 50 from Asian University) and 150 online questionnaires; 232 valid questionnaires were obtained, and the effective recovery rate was 94%. The statistical method was linear regression analysis performed in SPSS 20.0. Results: This study framed four variable attitudes (β=.22, p<.01), subjective norms (β=.11, p>.05), perceptual behavior control (β=.21, p<.001) and Past behaviors (β=.32, p<.001) all have an influence on intentions. Among them, past behavior has the greatest influence on intentions. This study uses the theory of planned behavior to conduct research that will provide insight into the reasons behind college students' choice to use public bicycles, and may even be used as a basis for market segmentation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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