


A Study of Sport Ritual: Ritual of Techniques and Ritual of Cultural Representation




石明宗(Simon Shih)


儀式 ; 運動儀式 ; 技術動作儀式 ; 再現文化儀式 ; 中介 ; Ritual ; Sport Ritual ; Ritual of Techniques ; Ritual of Culture Representation ; Liminality




8期(2009 / 03 / 01)


7 - 51




運動是一種儀式嗎?籃球「罰球」、網球「發球」、射箭「出箭」……,這些重複的、固定的、和「技術動作」相關的內容,具有什麼作用?為何有學者沿用宗教的術語,將運動心理學界慣稱的「習慣動作」,名為「儀式動作」?此外,運動賽會中的「點聖火」、「升會旗」等內容,和儀式也有關聯嗎? 循此,本研究意圖釐清三個問題,一是釐清運動儀式存在的作用與功能為何?二是尋求運動儀式有哪些內容?三是界定運動能否成為日常生活的一種儀式?理論基礎主要採取范根納普的理論,並結合特納等學者的觀點,將「通過儀式」置於最廣泛的意義上。試圖從微觀的「罰球儀式」至巨觀的「運動儀式」,藉由「分離、過渡與整合」的相同結構,中介狀態所產生的影響,探索其殊勝的意義。 本研究發現,確實存在著運動儀式,且可以粗分為「技術動作儀式」與「再現文化儀式」二大類別,前者和比賽本身的技術動作有關,例如籃球罰球、足球射門;後者和比賽相關的文化內容有關,例如點聖火、升會旗。進一步的,本研究將「再現文化儀式」細分為「凝聚儀式」、「象徵儀式」以及「暴力儀式」。 運動能否成為日常生活的一種儀式?答案也是肯定的!許多人過著每星期天上教堂的日子,同時也有許多人過著每週上運動中心的日子。雖然內容、地點、身心的感受皆不同,然而,就生活的節奏,以及如同結婚和死亡等生活儀式的影響,運動已成為現代人生活的新儀式。其特殊之處,在於它可以打破種族、文化、性別和年齡等傳統儀式的規則與藩籬。以夏威夷鐵人三項比賽為例,男女老少、黃白種人、各種社經地位的人士皆可以參與,因而凸顯出運動儀式的特殊價值。


Is playing sports some kind of ritual? In sports we found certain repetitive moves, such as ”free throws” in basketball games, ”ball servings” in tennis, and ”shooting” in archery, but what do all these repetitive, fixed, and technical related moves do? Why do some scholars name these ”repetitive moves” with a religious term ”ritual”? Do raise the national flag or ignite the Olympic torch in sports event also relate to rituals? This research intended to figure out the existence and function of sport rituals, furthermore to find out what content and categories sport rituals contain. Lastly, to identify whether playing sport can be a ritual within life. This paper generally based on the structure of ”Separation-Transition-Incorporation” in ”Rites of passage” by Arnold van Gennep, and following researches done by Victor Turner. From the microscopic view of ”free throw ritual” to the macroscopic view of ”Sport Ritual,” by using the same structure of Separation-Transition-Incorporation, this research examined the impact of ”Liminality” and its insight. This paper reveals the existence of ”The Sport Ritual,” and could be put into two categories, namely ”Ritual of Techniques” and ”Ritual of Culture Representation.” The moves of free throw and shooting can be the examples of the former ritual, while the latter would be raising national flag before the game. Furthermore, The Ritual of Cultural Representation could be recognized as ”Cohesion Ritual,” ”Symbol Ritual” and ”Violence Ritual” etc. The answer to whether playing sport can be a ritual within life is certain; people go to gym regularly just as going to church every Sunday. Though the feeling, place, and content are quite different, but in terms of the rhythm of life and the effect as life rituals like wedding or funeral, playing sport has indeed became new ritual in modern life. The key concept is that through participating sport people can break the social norms and gap between races, culture, age, gender, and social class. Taking Hawaii triathlon for example, people from different ages, races, social status can all attend it. Thus it signifies the value of playing sport.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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