


Body and Dress: Realizing the "Feminine" Perception




李亦芳(Yi-Fang Li);程瑞福(Jui-Fu Chen)


性別 ; 女人味 ; 身體技能 ; Gender ; feminine ; body techniques




19期(2011 / 12 / 01)


97 - 150






This study integrates the phenomenology of perception with feminist viewpoints, and takes gender and body dress as media to show that the ”feminine” comes from the interlacing of body, feminine dress and modern gender culture. Finally, the researcher presents the ”feminine” through her body to discuss the meaning of ”feminine”. The daily dressing experience was examined through documents. It was found that the perception of feminine body dressing includes the senses of pain, action, vision, touch, hearing, smelling and various unclassified perceptions such as hollow, hot, distended and melancholy etc. These perceptions are linked with each other and have initiated the ”control feeling” as the common focus of the meaning of ”feminine”. Additionally, the multiple meanings of ”feminine” have been presented. The meanings may be conflicted or integrated with each other. Even the meaning of ”feminine” has been changed along with the development of history. The ”elegant” has always been the common sense of ”feminine”. However, on one hand the body that shows the ”feminine” has been under the pressure of social gender culture. On the other hand, women can show their ”feminine” through their bodies within limitation. This double-sensed ”feminine” must be shown through body gestures as well as certain body techniques. Based on this, the feminine becomes desirable, achievable and workable. That is why women always insist on realizing ”feminine” perception. Further, it is also known why women realize the ”feminine” and actively seek desires regardless of feminine critics in the patriarchy society, and get rid of the innocent victim image through ”body techniques”.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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