


A Study of Body Culture in Nature




莊珮琪(Pei-Chi Chuang)


能產的自然 ; 所產的自然 ; 自然環境 ; 身體文化 ; natura naturans ; natura naturata ; natural environment ; body culture




23期(2013 / 12 / 01)


35 - 71




本研究起於研究者自身從事戶外運動的經驗,以及對於在自然環境下的身體活動所進行的反思。研究者透過自然的雙重性,以「能產的自然(natura naturans)」與「所產的自然(natura naturata)」解讀人在自然環境中所進行的身體活動、身體活動經驗所呈現出的文化意涵,以及對意向到此自然空間、身體活動與文化意涵而生產意義的自我主體進行反思。研究發現,自古以來,所產的自然被視為人類得以統治並且分配的客體,無論是早期的勞動對象或晚近的休閒、消費對象。另一方面,人類與至高無上的能產自然互動下,在自然環境下的身體活動具有不同層面的文化意涵,包括鄉愁似的回歸自然、充滿沉思的鄉間步行、探險未知的壯遊之旅、攀高越嶺的征服與朝聖般的苦行等。最後,研究者回到現象本身,以個人身體經驗歸結出「浩瀚感」與「私密感」兩項具普世性的本質。研究者希冀能透過在自然環境中活動的身體與自然進行對話,重新定位自然的位置,尊重其為複數、多元且異質的空間,並致力發展與其公平與正義的關係,始能獲得人與自然之間的平衡。


This study was inspired by the reflection on researcher's physical practice in natural environment. The concepts of "natura naturans" and "natura naturata" are adopted to explain the role of nature, the meaning of physical activities and its cultural background in the natural environment whereas the human-subject who produces meanings by taking part of it is reflected as well. The results show that "natura naturata" has been considered as an object which can be controlled, distributed and consumed. Moreover, human beings create both personal and cultural meanings by their interaction with supreme "natura naturans". Hence, different ideas including nostalgia, meditation, adventure, conquering and pilgrimage can be connected with multiple physical practices in nature, and the universality of "immensity" and "intimacy" can be identified based on these personal experiences. In conclusion, through the understanding of body culture in nature, we would be able to relocate the role and situation of nature; and further, to respect it as an equal subject to human beings. Thus, a balance between nature and human beings can be expected in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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