


An Analysis on the Shift of Taiwan Men Indoor Tug-of-War Skills from 1992 to 2014




陳建文(Chien-Wen Chen);許振明(Chen-Ming Hsu)


男子拔河 ; 技術流變 ; 運動感覺發生論 ; 系譜學 ; men indoor tug-of-war skill ; shift of tug-of-war skill ; Motor Sensuous Structure theory ; Genealogy




26期(2015 / 06 / 01)


7 - 49




本文旨在探討臺灣男子室內拔河技術之發展與轉變之關鍵概念與內涵。本研究以1992-2014 年為範圍,四位臺灣男子拔河國家代表隊教練作為研究代表對象,針對臺灣男子室內拔河技術,採金子明友 (Kaneko Akitomo) 之運動感覺發生構造論與系譜學為主要觀點,加上拉崗的語言象徵想像,進行歷史口述及文獻的考究與影片分析。在男子室內拔河技術生成的時間序列中,依其主要關鍵技術概念、改變背景與歷史條件為出發視野,來看各教練彼此的技術身體圖式使用風格,及被賦形而出的身體動作形態之形變與技術實踐的差異內涵,並以各教練自編之訓練手稿、書信、發表論著、新聞報導、訓練與比賽影片及拔河技術之相關研究為依據,逐一加以分析、考證。所得結論為:一、臺灣男子室內拔河技術發展可分成傳統、摸索、競爭、修正與成熟等五階段,歷經傳統式、日式、歐式、日式改良與歐式改良、歐式修正,到最終臺灣式等不同技術內涵變化,技術之轉變深受教練個人經驗影響,至今形成不同身體使用原則與技術形態;二、各教練在其不同技術學習、成長、傳承與相互競爭的時空背景中,彼此的身體經驗與技術內涵相互孕生交纏,但卻自成理路,各自開創出獨特的身體技術認知圖像,再形構出各自殊異的身體使用形態與技術風格及戰術,主導臺灣23 年間男拔選手技術與身體風格,在此基礎上,形塑出拔河身體技術經驗知識的空間,進而走出一條屬於「臺灣式」拔河技術創新之路;三、技術形態概念呈現從局部朝整體發展、遠端向重心靠近、由外進到體內、由前移至後方的變化趨向,戰術則呈現從單一到多變、穩定到靈活、由攻轉守再到攻守兼具的發展趨勢,男子室內拔河技術之流變與關鍵奧義終得以具體展現。


Introduction: This paper focused on the Indoor Tug-of-war skills performed by the Taiwan National Team from 1992 to 2014. It aimed to explore not only the origin and background of its evolution, but also the key concept and critical content of the mainstream skills during each period. Methods: By interviewing and documenting four head coaches of the crucial Taiwan Male Tug-of-war national team during 1992 to 2014, this research analyzed their main skill concepts, the background and the historical conditions of the corresponding shifts. Based on the framework of the motor sensuous structure theory by Kaneko Akitomo and genealogy, we avchived their training manuscripts, written messages, treatises, news reports on Tug-of-war skills. We focused mainly on the coaches’ bodily entrelaced experience and the concepts of how the body was trained. We also showed the different contents of the deformation and practice of each style formed in the process of skill evolution. Conclusion: Firstly, the shift of skills and its importance was characterized by the coach’s personal style, which was deeply influenced by the coach’s personal experience in different matches. The evolution was hence divided into six periods as shown below: Traditional-traditional style, Exploration-Japanese/European style, Competitive Growing- Improved Japanese, Improving- Improved European and Mature Taiwanese style. Secondly, the innovation native to Taiwan Style Tug-of-war skills evolved from each coach’s different style of the performance of body, skill and strategy. These unique body schema of skills could not be formed without the delicacy of each coach to his understanding and performance of the way how the rope is held. Thirdly, the trend of the skill types shifts from partial towards the whole, from eccentric to centric to the center of the mass, from outward to inward to the body, and from forward to backward in feet. The strategies also evolve from a monotonous one to a various one, from fixed to diverse, and from defensive to offensive.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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