


Sport Gypsy in Memory: Self-Narrative in the Journey of a Badminton Student Athlete Searching for Her Dream as an Olympian




姜凱心(Kai-Hsin Chiang);李建興(Chien-Shing Lee)


羽球選手 ; 生涯發展 ; 運動員 ; 競賽策略 ; 角色衝突 ; badminton players ; career development ; athletes ; competition strategy ; role conflict




29期(2016 / 12 / 01)


29 - 60






An elite athlete's self-life journey may deeply have the similar meanings as the achievers in the field of music, art, or philosophy. Self-narrative was adopted to explore the first author's physical and emotional experiences during the process of pursuing 2016 Badminton Olympian's eligibility. There are four main research topics: 1. describing her experience related to badminton skill growth, 2. explaining the connection between the badminton journey and the 2016 Olympic Games, 3. detailing the process and self-reflection about searching for 2016 Olympian's eligibility, and 4. describing the role conflicts between her athletic training and academic achievement. Data collection of the study was composed of interviews, the reports of competition results, news, and the related researches to provide a more comprehensive context and to create a better understanding of the story. The results show that 1. this author's 17 years badminton professional development had supported her in many other life perspectives. The athletic life shaped her personality and let her become more difficult to give up achieving goals that helped her to manage the high pressure from maintaining both academic/educational and professional athletic developments simultaneously. 2. Athletic performance was highly and positively co-related with not only athletes themselves but also the whole social, political, and administrative system. 3. Overcoming with the role conflict between a doctoral student and an elite athlete could be difficult and problematic in Taiwanese culture as evidenced by exploring through this author's own experience. Overall, this research was to detail an elite athlete's life story by exploring her educational knowledge, athletic development, internal feeling, and thinking process.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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