The Grandmaster, a martial arts film directed by Kar-Wai Wong, narrates the story of Ip Man and other martial arts masters who pursuit similar goal in martial arts and lives: the three stages of "being, knowing and doing." This essay observed how characters such as Ip Man, Gong Yutian, Gong Er, Ma San and Yixiantian pursued the three stages of martial arts on the basis of Game-playing theory from Bernard Suits. To put it more precisely, characters in the film all make "voluntary attempt to overcome unnecessary obstacles" which resembles the core of the theory. They follow the rules of the time, the rules of martial arts or their own rules, step by step or simultaneously reaching the stages of martial arts and life. This research revealed that the statement- playing a game is the voluntary attempt to overcome unnecessary obstacles- is not merely the definition of Game-playing, but can also be the test of the three stages of martial arts in The Grandmaster. The lusory attitude of the martial arts masters is the key factor to their lifetime status in all martial arts stages.
游添燈,吳秉昇(2018)。Suits 的遊戲理論與《師父》。臺大體育學報,34,39-48。
Allen, Barry(2015).Striking Beauty: A Philosophical Look at the Asian Martial Arts.New York:Columbia University Press.
伯爾納德‧舒茲, Bernard,胡天玫(譯),周育萍(譯)(2016).蚱蜢:遊戲、生命與烏托邦.臺北:心靈工坊.