


Exploring the Coach's Leadership Behavior Factors that Affect Team Cohesion: Case study of a College Women's Basketball Team




劉雅琳(Ya-Ling Liu);林建宇(Chien-Yu Lin);謝旻修(Min-Hsiu Hsieh);江信宏(Hsin-Hung Chiang)


團隊凝聚力 ; 教練領導行為 ; 大學校隊 ; 組織 ; 認同 ; team cohesion ; leadership behavior ; colledge team ; organization ; identity




35期(2019 / 09 / 01)


127 - 160






Based on the leading concept of Carron sports team cohesion model, this study adopts empirical research to explore the team cohesion of Z college women's basketball team (ZWB) and analyze its operation model, taking the results as a reference to improve the way it operates and resolve disputes. Using semi-structured interviews in qualitative research, this study adopts case study with six players who have participated in the ZWB for more than three years as research respondents and analyzes their feeling about the coach's leadership behavior and the interaction with the coach via the triangulation method. Based on the Carron sports team cohesion model, the study focuses on the good and bad impacts of the coach's leadership behavior on the team cohesion of ZWB, which are divided into five types, including training and guidance, communication, management, care, and reward. The results are as below: 1. Without specific guidance from the coach, there will be a negative influence over team cohesion. 2. Effective communication between the coach and players has a positive impact on team coherence. On the other hand, a coach with poor emotional management will have a bad impact on team cohesion. 3. Organizational slack such as the coach not having effective training plans or not following team rules will have a negative influence on team cohesion. 4. Good attendance and the coach's assistance and care can give rise to better team coherence. However, players who doesn't receive the coach's care tend to have difficulty in team identity. 5. Encouragement and reward improve players' confidence and the sense of achievement, which has a positive effect on team coherence. On the contrary, players not being able to understand and comprehend the coach's direction will lower team coherence.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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