


Recording Sports: Filming Practice of Documentary Practitioners and Its Production of Public Culture




邱建章(Chien-Chang, Chiu)


紀錄片 ; 影像實踐 ; 傳播政治經濟學 ; 批判論述分析 ; 民主化 ; Documentary ; Filming Practice ; Political Economy of Communication ; Critical Discourse Analysis ; Democratization




36期(2020 / 03 / 01)


75 - 136






Introduction: Taiwan's documentaries began to make breakthroughs only after the Japanese rule in the early 20th century and the post-war political oppression and press censorship of the Nationalist government. Decree promulgation and news record have been cast off, and documentaries with independent viewpoints have gradually emerged. The principle of public interests that ought to be persisted by media but it has been marginalized due to the profit-oriented communication environment. Therefore, this study aims to investigate documentary practitioners' filming practice on sports documentary from the perspectives of political economy of communication. Methods: In order to achieve the purpose of this study, the research adopted critical discourse analysis to analyze the media discourse of documentary directors to understand their viewpoints about the production, distribution, and consumption of documentaries. Results: Through filming practice, the documentary directors counteracted one-dimensional development with diversity, contended against falseness and manipulation with truth, fought against the fading of memory with documenting, opposed the mediocrity and kitsch with value and belief, protested against superficiality with profundity, resisted entertainment-oriented trend and the imbalanced global media flow with humanity and local stories, combatted subordination with the value of subjectivity, fought against power oppression with the representing of minorities, and made a stand against the mainstream with marginal position. Conclusions: Documentary practitioners strive to examine and present the inner connotation of the filming subjects to provide the society with a collective learning space. They attach great importance on the democratization in terms of production, distribution and consumption and try to find solutions to the negative problems caused by commercial communication. They work hard to promote a better culture for public sporting through their filming action.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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