In 2004, FROG, a Taiwanese freelance designer and photographer, set up a website and started to share his photo series of mountains in Taiwan, among which a series featuring Taitung's Jiaming Lake, also nicknamed "Angel's Tear" by climbers, caused a sensation and thereafter made mountaineering a popular trend in Taiwan. Meanwhile, crowds of people started to pay their visit to St. Marian Hiking Trail located in Jiaoxi Yilan right after one creative social media post describing the place as "matcha ice cream mountain" was shared by Japanese photographer Kobayashi Kengo in 2018. This article focuses on the image of the mountains in Taiwan under the digital generation. By reviewing how the public's impression on the mountains have been shaped and how mountaineering has been transformed, the study aims to explore the influence of social media on mountaineering culture. When social media becomes a new type of "constructor" constructing the public's perception of mountains, it will not only serve as a guidebook for mountaineering but also bring about the effect of imitation and representation. To take Facebook's mountaineering communities as an example, they provide real-time mountaineering information and a two-way communication platform as well as satisfy the users' need of socializing and seeking identity. Nowadays, the convenience and rapidity of information acquisition has brought a new face to mountaineering; however, the rather dreamy and entertaining impression constructed by social media has somehow forms a monopoly on information and influences users' risk perception. Still, the diversified patterns of mountaineering and the fad for posting selfies when reaching the summit should not be arbitrarily concluded as chaos in mountains. Mountaineering disasters always have their causes highly attributed to personal risk perception and response which resulting from personal subjectivity and the society's long-accumulated structure of feelings for mountains.
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