


From Old-Fashioned Hard Work to Scientific Training: The Practice of Sport Science in High School Volleyball League




林亮穎(Liang-Ying Lin)


體育班 ; 土法煉鋼 ; 運動科學 ; 專業社會學 ; 協力共作 ; sport program ; old-fashioned hard work ; sport science ; professional sociology ; collaborative work




39期(2021 / 09 / 01)


135 - 180




台灣體育圈過去在國家功績主義的主導下,打造追求運動功績的三級體育班升學制度。但過度追求功績的結果促使體育基層選手小時了了大未必佳。土法煉鋼的訓練方式雖然在前期功績卓越,但也易導致選手在成人賽事成績不佳,甚至因過度操練早已積傷已久。本文以高中甲組排球隊為例,分析基層排球教練與運動科學進行專業合作,在資源匱乏的基層突破舊有的土法煉鋼模式。雙方在合作追求佳績的同時,也關照到選手的身體防護和肌力與體能訓練。本文從「專業社會學」的理論視角,探究教練專業如何在過去的國家功績主義下形成土法煉鋼的自我循環,而運動科學專業如何逐步在體育班建立專業,並在實作中和教練分工合作。根據田野觀察與訪談的研究過程,本文闡述教練與運動科學專業各自有不同的劃界工作:教練試圖與「老教練」劃界,區分訓練的「操」與「練」;體能訓練師採取評估和訓練計畫,區分過去土法煉鋼的亂練;運動防護員則以評估和預防機制,區分過去土法煉鋼對於傷痛的忽略。三種行動者在體育班基層訓練中,區分出彼此的專業管轄權,並確認合作關係。基於對話劃界工作與管轄權的概念,本文最後則提出「協力共作」(collaborative work)的概念,與劃界工作和管轄權概念進行對話,分析不同的運動專業在資源有限的基層訓練中,如何以教育為目標進行專業之間的合作,同時透過協作教育的訓練實作來突破國家功績主義。


With meritocracy dominating the field of sports in Taiwan, a level-based educational system for youth sport talents has long been implemented in pursuit of athletic success and merits. However, over pursuing achievements often caused gifted youth to succeed at an early age but not necessarily bring that success upon growing up. Meanwhile, the old-fashioned way of training might appear effective in the early stages but tended to reduce young athletes' capabilities of winning in the long run due to injuries caused by over-practicing. This thesis aims at analyzing the collaboration between HVL(High School Volleyball League) coaches and sport science professionals, through which they made a breakthrough beyond the traditional training model at the grassroots level where resources are scarce. While pursuing merits, both the coaches and the sport science professionals showed concern for the players' long-term career, paying attention to their academic performance, prevention from chronic pain, and knowledge of physic training. This thesis drew on the theory of professionalization to explicate how coaches' profession in training was shaped to be a fixed pattern of old-fashioned hard work, and how sport science professionals established their expertise while collaborating with the coaches in practice. According to the field research and interviews in HVL schools, this thesis found that there are distinct boundaries between the works of coaches and sport science professionals. Young coaches try to distinguish themselves from the old ones by differentiating "Liàn"(skill training) from "Cāo"(overtraining); strength and conditioning coaches utilize assessing and training program to change the unsystematic hard work training in the past; athletic trainers focus on assessment and prevention to rectify traditional training's neglect of injuries. Meanwhile, the three roles identify their own profession and collaborate with one another in the sport programs in these schools. Based on the concept of profession identification and work division, this thesis proposes the idea of "collaborative work" to explicate the interdisciplinary collaboration between sport professionals and school coaches for educational purpose, and their breakthrough in changing the role of meritocracy in sport education through the practice of such collaboration.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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