Gene technology encompasses a wide range of techniques, and as it began to be employed in the field of sports, new issues and challenges have therefore emerged. However, in Taiwan, there has been a lack of relevant studies on how gene technology along with gene and cell doping may affect the field of sports, especially in the domains of sports humanities and social science. As such, the purpose of this study is to supplement the existing research, extend the public's understanding on this subject, and serve as a reference for building related governance models in the field of sports in the future. This study primarily focuses on examining the international community's current governance on gene and cell doping as well as reflecting on the intervention of gene technology in the field of sports by reviewing WADA's "Prohibited List." In addition, dilemmas and difficulties that may be encountered in the governance of gene technology in the field of sports are also discussed in the last part of this study. Document analysis is the main research method, with documents issued by international organizations including the IOC and the WADA as the research materials, and the paradigm of science, technology, and society (STS) as the fundamental framework for developing the discussion. The findings show that the world's current governance on gene and cell doping is based on the international code of bioethics and WADA's "Prohibited List," in which the revisions of the prohibited method M3 appeared to move along with the development of gene technology, indicating the changes in sports and social situations. Meanwhile, the public's strong interest in genes, the commercialization of the gene market, and different countries' usage and attitude towards gene technology may also make it difficult for the field of sports to govern gene technology and gene and cell doping. To achieve governance effectiveness, reflecting on existing ethics and values, reviewing current decision-making criteria, and learning the knowledge construction and technology risk in the field of sports are all necessary actions to be taken.
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