
文化翻譯與「截拳道/Jeet Kune Do」命名脈絡


Cultural Translation and the Context of the Name "Jeet Kune Do"




林伯修(Po-Hsiu Lin);郭彭(Peng Guo)


李小龍 ; 截拳道 ; 混雜 ; 第三空間 ; 身分認同政治 ; Bruce Lee ; Jeet Kune Do ; hybrid ; third space ; identity politics




41期(2022 / 09 / 01)


31 - 72




本研究之目的在從文化翻譯之文化流動與文化政治的角度檢視「截拳道∕Jeet Kune Do」命名的過程與環境的關係。研究方法為文本分析與訪談法,收集與分析李小龍與其親友的著作、影像紀錄,並訪問2位日本武道專家、國術專家2名以及2位粵語專家補充文本資料不足之處。研究結果發現,李小龍從香港移居美國,雙重的視野和各國武術的文化流動在加州灣區形成的武術環境讓他以粵語命名截拳道。李小龍以美語中的借詞道∕do命名的背後有各國武術間競爭文化階序的再現和身分認同的文化政治。在文化流動的歷史語境下,文化翻譯的內容和譯者的身分認同政治與其所在環境中承載的歷史的、社會的文化政治和語境息息相關。


The purpose of this study is to examine the naming process of Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do from the perspectives of cultural flow and cultural politics in cultural translation. Documentary analysis was conducted with data collected from Bruce Lee's martial arts books, photographs, videos, and other texts, as well as collections from Hong Kong Heritage Museum. The study also did interviews with three Japanese martial arts experts, two Chinese martial arts professors, and two Cantonese experts as supplementary materials. As the study revealed, Bruce Lee moved from Hong Kong to the San Francisco Bay Area in the United States when the region had become a great melting pot of martial arts culture. Having both the Eastern and the Western ways of thinking, he created Jeet Kune Do and named it in Cantonese. The reason why he used the English word "do" as a loanword is related to the competition between martial arts of different cultures back then in terms of cultural hierarchy as well as the cultural politics of identity. It is concluded that in the context of cultural flow, the contents to be translated are deeply connected with the translator's identity politics and the historical and social environment as well as the cultural politics behind.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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