The scope of political science consists of theory and methodology. Political theory is usually divided into normative theory and scientific theory. The former is ”ought to be” approach, while the latter refers ”is” approach that aims to describe, explain and predict phenomena so as to build generations or theories. Both are in the position of epistemological differences, and then the methodological aspects research designs and approaches are differentiated. Political science bears the brunt to build scientific criteria to accumulate scientific knowledge: Is philosophy embedded in scientific theory? Does scientific philosophy contain the spirit of science? What scientific philosophy really is? Why should we verify political science with scientific philosophy? These thinking points are related to theoretical and empirical surfaces of science, and lead us to the context from which western philosopher tried to construct ontology and epistemology.
The research does not explain philosophical significance of the philosophy of science, or argue with the methodology of the merits of school, yet shows Kuhn, Popper, and Lakatos discourse by which the scientific theories or methods are constructed. We especially focus on the paradigm argument comes from (post) behavioralism. Rethink that political science should not rapidly drop down to the technical aspects of methods, researchers might hold scientific philosophy to make empirical implication in dialectic thinking.
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