


Relationship Marketing of Insurance Companies: Three-level Perspective




黃振誼(Chen-I Huang);王玉珍(Yu-Chen Wang)


關係行銷 ; 保險公司 ; 個案研究 ; Relationship Marketing ; Insurance Industry ; Case Study




33期(2012 / 12 / 01)


1 - 22




目前台灣正邁入老年化社會與少子化的問題,保險對現代人的人生風險規劃及理財有其重要性及迫切性,由於台灣壽險市場競爭越來越激烈,企業如何在趨於飽和市場中維持與提升舊有客戶的關係就顯得越趨重要,本研究從關係行銷的三個層次,即財務性、社交性與結構性來了解公司如何在各個層次運用策略來達到績效極大化,本研究不同於先前之研究在於採用不同經營模式之保險業者做比較性分析,本研究透過個案分析的方式,針對台灣之人壽保險業的「保險品牌公司」、「保險經紀人公司」、「保險代理人公司」等三種不同經營模式之業者做跨個案(cross case)之比較性研究,期能找出三種經營模式之業者在關係行銷運用上之異同。研究發現財務性連結策略在關係行銷的運用上,最普遍就是以價格為誘因來促使顧客購買,而社交性連結主要是依保險公司資源之不同分別對不同的目標市場加以鎖定做區隔化行銷或利基行銷,最後,結構性連結是層次最高的,顧客要求也最多,相對的商機也最大,也是買賣雙方關係最密切的階段,此種關係已超越了純粹的財務性或社會性連結,此時,業務人員本身的專業能力,就必需能做到客製化量身訂做的服務,並且提供全面性解決方案及一次購足的優質服務。


With the emergency of low birth rate and elderly society, insurance becomes more important for risk and financial planning. Due to the intensive competitions in Taiwan insurance industry, how to maintain and upgrade the relationships with current customers therefore become crucial. In the insurance literature, most researches explore the strategies of increasing purchasing quantity and customer retention from the perspectives of product, price, place and service quality. This research differs from the previous is focus on the cross analysis of three levels of relationship marketing, which are financial, social and structural connections. By a comparative case study, this research tries to explore how companies maximize the performance by relationship marketing from the perspective of different patterns of insurance company. The cases include three kinds of patterns, including brand companies, insurance brokers and insurance agencies (cross case). Each case will choose three companies to interview. By a cross-case study analysis, this research tries to uncover the differences of relationship marketing strategies from the perspective of different patterns of insurance company.The findings suggest that the most common strategy for attracting potential customers is by pricing. Regarding social connection, it depends on the resources of the company, the insurance companies target at all segmentations, however, only niche markets are targeted by insurance brokers and agencies. Finally, in the stage of structural connection, the opportunities and challenges are relatively complicated because what customers want is multi-dimension service; this means that customization is necessary to offer total solution and one stop shopping service.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 數學
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 永續發展研究
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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