With the emergency of low birth rate and elderly society, insurance becomes more important for risk and financial planning. Due to the intensive competitions in Taiwan insurance industry, how to maintain and upgrade the relationships with current customers therefore become crucial. In the insurance literature, most researches explore the strategies of increasing purchasing quantity and customer retention from the perspectives of product, price, place and service quality. This research differs from the previous is focus on the cross analysis of three levels of relationship marketing, which are financial, social and structural connections. By a comparative case study, this research tries to explore how companies maximize the performance by relationship marketing from the perspective of different patterns of insurance company. The cases include three kinds of patterns, including brand companies, insurance brokers and insurance agencies (cross case). Each case will choose three companies to interview. By a cross-case study analysis, this research tries to uncover the differences of relationship marketing strategies from the perspective of different patterns of insurance company.The findings suggest that the most common strategy for attracting potential customers is by pricing. Regarding social connection, it depends on the resources of the company, the insurance companies target at all segmentations, however, only niche markets are targeted by insurance brokers and agencies. Finally, in the stage of structural connection, the opportunities and challenges are relatively complicated because what customers want is multi-dimension service; this means that customization is necessary to offer total solution and one stop shopping service.
財團法人保險事業發展中心 http://www.tii.org.tw/index.asp
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