According to Fair Trade Commission, the total number of convenience store (CVS) has amounts to over 9000 stores in Taiwan, in average, one store occupies 0.26 square kilometer. Due to the saturation, CVS has to innovate to keep up with the growth. 7-ELEVEN is the leader in the CVS industry taking over 50% market shares. As a result, 7-ELEVEN's innovation is always imitated by other competitors. Ibon is one of the innovations; this machine cannot only cope with the problem of saturation but also create many virtual business opportunities. Therefore, this study takes ibon as the example, discussing its innovation strategy. Qualitative in-depth interviewing is adopted, four senior mangers were interviewed to uncover the research questions. The findings suggest that the innovations are derived from product, service and process. Besides, the head office offer instant education training to support the front line innovation. Based on this, customer satisfaction and store performance are therefore created. These five factors are related with each other and become the key factors for the growth of ibon. However, there are still some drawbacks to be improved, such as the stability of this machine and the issue of software edition. Even though, ibon still offer consumers convenient life and create more unexpected business opportunities for 7-ELEVEN.
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