


Dynamic Visual Fitness Performing of Gymnastic Athletes during Whole Body Rotation Movement


賴思妤(Szu-Yu Lai)


動態視覺適能表現 ; 動態視覺準確度 ; 動態視覺反應 ; Dynamic Visual Fitness Performing ; Dynamic visual acuity (DVA) ; dynamic Visual Reaction (DVR)




38期(2014 / 08 / 01)


57 - 74




動態視覺能力是一種能夠測量目標和觀察者之間的相對運動的表現能力,因此,動態視覺能力是運動表現的一項重要指標。運動選手的動態視覺準確度與動態視覺反應指數與運動表現有密切的相關,尤其是體操選手的表現的良窳與動態視覺適能表現息息相關,以體操運動而言,高難度、高技巧的動作須要具有良好的動態視覺準確度及反應能力,才能在競賽時獲得越高的得分。在進行跳躍、翻滾的體操動作時,動態視覺適能表現對運動員進行空間位置準確性的判斷及反應就顯得格外的重要。因此,本研究的目的為:1.探討體操運動員在空中轉體下動態視覺準確度的表現。2.探討體操運動員在空中轉體下動態視覺反應的表現。本研究以20位體操運動員為對象,其中包括男生8名,女生12名,平均年齡為22歲。本研究採用實驗法,以多軸訓練儀為實驗工具,受試者進行靜態視覺測試(不旋轉)和動態視覺(旋轉)兩項的測試;靜態測試方法的進行,是受試者以站姿固定在多軸訓練儀上,面對電腦測試,判斷電腦銀幕每秒1題出現E字缺口方向的選擇題共60題;動態視覺測試是由受試者先執行訓練儀固定15 rpm的轉速翻轉,然後同步進行動態視覺能力測驗60題。研究結果發現:(1)體操運動員在全身性轉體運動之動態視覺準確度指數範圍-3.333到5.263。(2)體操運動員在全身性轉體運動之視覺反應指數範圍在-0.136~0.146。本研究探討體操運動員動態視覺的準確度與反應指標,將其指標作為運動員選才之依據,以提供訓練運動員動態視覺能力的教練及選手作參考。優秀選手的選才準確度指標介於.00至5.26,視覺動力的反應時間指標介於-.067至.146。


Dynamic visual acuity (DVA) is a potentially informative measure to resolve the ability of an object while there is relative motion between the target and the observer. There are closely related between dynamic visual accuracy and response with sports performance, especially gymnasts' dynamic visual acuity and movement performance. Therefore DVA is an important indicator of sport performance. In gymnastics, that is high-difficult, high-skill movements, gymnasts need a good DVA and dynamic visual reaction (DVR) to get higher score in the competition. During jump, tumbling gymnastics movements, It is particularly important for gymnasts to determine the spatial location accuracy and response with DVA. The purpose of this study was to investigate characteristics of dynamic visual acuity (DVA) and dynamic Visual Reaction (DVR) index during whole body rotation of gymnasts. Twenty gymnasts (8 male and 12 female) (whole subjects average age 22 years old) served as subjects. Multi-axis training instrument and Lab View program were used as tools. Each subject should test a Lab View static (no rotation) acuity test (60 items) and dynamic acuity test (60 items). While testing static visual acuity, subject not only stood and fixed Multi-axis training instrument but also investigated SVA index and SVR time. And then testing DVA, subject not only fixed on Multi-axis training instrument and rotating with 15 rpm speed but also measured DVA index and DVR time. The results showed that: (1) For the Gymnastic athletes, the range of DVA index is -3.333 to 5.263. (2) For the Gymnastic athletes, the range of DVR is-0.136~0.146. This study not only reflected characteristic of dynamic visual acuity in elite gymnasts, but also showed that the criterion of screening athletes' DVA range is .00 to 5.26, DVR range is-.067 to 0.146. Based on the principle of study, we can screen suitable athlete and provide more professional and efficient training for them to enable their Dynamic Visual Fitness Performance, It is also suggested to their coach and themselves as a reference.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 數學
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 永續發展研究
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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