


Zhuangzi's thought of "Following Two Courses" for the Enlightenment of a Friendly Campus


許雅喬(Ya-Chiao Hsu)


莊子 ; 兩行 ; 友善校園 ; Zhuangzi ; following two courses ; friendly Campus




40期(2015 / 04 / 01)


1 - 17




隨著民主法治及人權意識的高漲,友善校園的理念越來越受到各方的重視。友善校園的目標,在於建構關懷生命、多元平等、尊重人權及和諧關係的校園。從傳統教育思想中開展出符合時代需求的內涵,師生和家長一起走向校園民主之路,大家學會尊重與包容,彼此互助、關懷,充分發揮教育的本質與功效,讓人性展現生命的尊嚴與價值。然而校園中仍然存在許多不友善的形式問題及差異,如何消除不公平及差異的對待,往往是許多教育學者燃眉之急的任務,這其中牽涉許多問題和環節,因此實施的成效無法立竿見影。莊子思想玄妙精深,充滿難以言喻的深邃哲思,其中「兩行」的觀念說明世 間事物雖有相對性,但主觀心靈若能以開放的心靈觀照整體,所有人事物的差異便能互相含攝融通,因此,本研究試圖釐清莊子「兩行」思想的意涵及其對友善校園的啟示,尤其旨在強化友善校園的哲學意涵,以供關心友善校園理念的推行及教育者參考。


We often lay emphasis upon the conception of friendly campus more and more due to the elevation of democracy as well as the consciousness of human rights. It aims at constructing a campus which may concern with our lives, especial the human rights, and a harmonious relationship and multi- equality. It also attempts to develop implications which can fit the needs of our times; teachers, students and parents can go forward to the road of democratic campus together; and we learn to respect and concern with each other, and explicate the essence and merit of education fully so that our natures can manifest the dignity and value of life. As a matter of fact, the campus really exists of some kinds of discriminations. How to eliminate them and the unfairness in our campus are the urgent business of educators. It involves many problems and segment so the result of the practices will not work at once. Thought of Zhuangzi is profound and too deep for words. The thought of “following two courses "expounds that all things in the world is relatively, but if we have an open mind then we might observe the whole unity and all the differences of things and human beings will accommodate with each other. So this paper tries to shed some light on the meaning of Zhuangzi thoughts of "following two courses " and its enlightenment for a friendly campus, among other things, aims at reinforcing the philosophical significances of a friendly campus in order to provide some references for educators who really concern with the promotion of the idea of a friendly campus.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 數學
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 永續發展研究
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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