


The Contrast and Overlap between Animality and Humanity:A Deconstruction of Classicism and Postmodernism in "How to Train Your Dragon"


黃玉蘭(Yu-Lan Huang)


馴龍高手 ; 古典主義 ; 後現代主義 ; "How to Train Your Dragon" ; classicism ; postmodernism




40期(2015 / 04 / 01)


103 - 116




開啟西方文化視窗,讀者可以發現,不管是身為兇惡怪物,或是寶物守護者,龍的身影俯拾皆是。以希臘神話故事為例,大力士赫拉克勒斯著名的十二項任務、雙魚座傳說中的兇神惡煞提風、負心漢傑森的尋找金羊毛之旅,《伊利亞德》故事中盟軍將帥阿伽門農等等,處處可見龍的蹤影。英國的Beowulf《貝爾伍夫》屠龍獲取寶藏,德國《尼龍根之歌》中的屠龍事件,甚至晚近美國的《石中劍》、《睡美人》等動畫中,不只可見龍在西方文化中的重要性,也可說是「龍」情不滅。本文以龍在西方文化傳統中所呈現的豐富面貌,試圖以之對照並聚焦2010年夢工廠所發行動畫《馴龍高手》(How to Train Your Dragon),探討隨著社會價值的變動,以獸性與人性的視角對比分析,從而解構其中古典與後現代兩者呈現的價值意義。筆者希望透過本文的探討,能提供喜愛研究《馴龍高手》動畫的閱聽者一重要的參考資料。


Unfolding the world of western culture, readers can see that, no matter playing as monsters or treasure guardians, dragons are here and there. Take Greek myths as examples, two of Heracles's Twelve Tasks are connected to dragon. Next, Typhon, the fiend monster is famous in the legends of star sign Pisces. And, as a famous love rat criticized by feminists, Jason in the story of "The Golden Fleece" was looking for a treasure guarded by a fierce dragon. Besides, in Homer's famous epic Iliad, Agamemnon, the commander of the united Greek armed forces, was described that there were dragon pictures on both his sword belt and cuirass. Furthermore, from the old English epic "Beowulf" and famous German work "Nibelungenlied", readers can see the events of treasure hunting and dragon slaying. Even today, in many films or Disney's works, dragon is prevailing and seems to exist everlastingly in western culture. Based on the above, this paper aims at the contrast and overlap of animality and humanity to deconstruct both classicism and postmodernism in the film of "How to Train Your Dragon". It is hoped that this study can provide viewers or moviegoers with some background information of western culture.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 數學
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 永續發展研究
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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