The purpose of this study was to explore the effects on elementary school students' English learning motivation through integrating English songs and nursery rhymes in music classes. 197 students of 4^(th) and 5^(th) grades (97 male, 100 female) in Chia-Yi city participated in this quasi-experimental study. Two kinds of questionnaires were used to investigate students' English learning motivation and perceptions of the experiment. Both quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis were used to analyze all of collected data. Data was analyzed with descriptive statistics, two-way ANOVA, and t tests. As to the qualitative analysis, the students' perceptions about this experiment were translated into English and analyzed. The findings were as follows: First of all, through integrating English nursery rhymes and songs, the EFL motivation of the participants were stimulated to be maintained. Second, it's more effective to apply this strategy of combining music and language teaching in music classes into the middle graders (3rd and 4th grades). Third, the more happiness, relaxation and pleasure the children feel in EFL learning environment and atmosphere, the more positive effect they receive in studying English. To sum up, based on the findings, the pedagogical implications in EFL teaching and suggestions for the further studies are recommended at the end of this study.
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