


New Orientations of Agricultural Recreation and Community-Based Tourism from an Agricultural Heritage Perspective: A Preliminary Investigation


張育銓(Yu-Chuan Chang)


全球重要農業文化遺產系統 ; 休閒農業 ; 社區觀光 ; 遺產觀光 ; Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) ; Agricultural recreation ; Community-based tourism ; Heritage tourism




41期(2015 / 10 / 01)


245 - 262




聯合國糧農組織(FAO)於2002年啟動全球重要農業文化遺產系統(Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems, GIAHS),並即將於2015年取得聯合國正式規章。GIAHS除了農業文化和技術知識之外,還包括歷史悠久、結構合理的傳統農業景觀和農業生產系統,這些系統具有豐富的生物多樣性和獨一無二的傳統價值,對於區域的永續發展具有重要意義。與目前世界遺產中的自然遺產、文化遺產相比,GIAHS最大的不同在於它保護的是一種生產方式,一種農民仍在使用並賴以生存的耕作方式。它保護的是活的農業耕作系統和耕作方式,然而經濟方式的轉變、鄉村文化的變遷、生態環境的變化、政策的不確定性等因素都會對傳統農業的生產方式產生影響。目前FAO提出動態保護和適應性管理的概念,並把觀光發展做為實踐的策略之一。這樣的發展與台灣農村積極透過休閒農業與社區觀光來維護三生(生活、生產、生態)的農村再生並不相同,特別是對農業的看法是否具有整套的知識架構。本文採取文獻分析法,檢視東部適合論述GIAHS的地點,做為往後進一步深入研究的基礎,初步發現「池上萬安老田區文化景觀」適合做為引介GIAHS的起點,在休閒農業與社區觀光之外,勾勒出透過遺產觀光達成農村永續發展的可能途徑。


The Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) initiative was started by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in 2002 and will be officially incorporated into the regulations of the United Nations in 2015. In addition to preserving agricultural cultures and technical knowledge, the GIAHS initiative also involves maintaining time-honored agricultural landscapes built on local knowledge and production schemes entailing rich biodiversity and unique traditional value that are essential for regional sustainable development. Compared with natural and cultural World Heritage sites, those preserved through the GIAHS initiative concern production and farming methods applied by farmers. In other words, these systems involve maintaining existing agricultural schemes and practices. However, factors such as transformations in economic activity, rural cultures, and ecological environments and policies uncertainty can affect conventional agricultural production methods. Currently, the FAO has proposed this concept of dynamic preservation and adaptive management, considering tourism development to be a part of its practicing strategies. From an agricultural perspective, this development approach emphasizes a comprehensive knowledge architecture and is dissimilar to how domestic farm villages have actively sustained and revitalized their lifestyles, production, and ecology through agricultural recreation and community-based tourism. The present study applied a literature analysis method to investigating northern Taiwan regions suitable for the GIAHS initiative. The results can serve as a basis for conducting subsequent in-depth research. The preliminary investigation confirms that the cultural landscapes in Wanan Village Lao Tien Region of Chishang Township are suitable for the GIAHS initiative. Overall, in addition to investigating agricultural recreation and community-based tourism, this study was conducted to explore potential paths for facilitating the sustainable development of farm villages through heritage tourism.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 數學
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 永續發展研究
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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