"The Five Planets and Twenty-Eight Constellations" collected in the Osaka City Museum of Fine Arts was exhibited in Taiwan in 2021. The painter of this scroll in the catalog was recorded as Zhang Sengyao(張僧繇,479-?), the famous painter of the Liang Dynasty(502-557). In addition, several portraits of star gods in "Painting Manual of Xuanhe Era"(《宣和畫譜》)were also classified under Zhang. Many scholars questioned about the age and painter of these paintings, suggesting "The Five Planets and Twenty-Eight Constellations" and "The portrait of Marici-Devi" should not be classified under Zhang, either. From the perspective of the history of astronomy and art history, this article demonstrates that many of the motifs of these star gods came from the sutra of Esoteric Buddhism, which could not be earlier than Tang Dynasty. In particular, the inscriptions and images in "The Five Planets and Twenty-Eight Constellations" had been initially integrated the ancient Babylonian, Indian and Chinese astronomy, it was definitely not a work from the Liang Dynasty. Not only this scroll, none of the portraits in "Painting Manual of Xuanhe Era" had anything to do with Zhang. In the last paragraph of article also discussed about the possible reasons why the wrong author was recorded in the Song Dynasty.