


Why "Taiwanese Flavors" are Reproduced? Everyday Cooking in Taiwanese Expatriate Families in China




鄧建邦(Jian-Bang Deng)


外派人員 ; 伴遷配偶 ; 家事服務員 ; 食物 ; 口味 ; expatriate ; accompanying spouses ; domestic workers ; food ; taste




10期(2014 / 10 / 01)


1 - 26






In migration studies, research on domestic workers and on expatriates has been seen as two different parallel research areas, in which the former focuses on unskilled, and the later on skilled migration. This research tries to break this barrier by focusing on everyday cooking in Taiwanese expatriate families by examining the cooking practices of accompanying spouses and their domestic workers. Main research questions of the paper are focused on why and how meals with Taiwanese flavors are reproduced in the practice of daily cooking by Taiwanese migrant families? Empirical material for the paper is mainly based on a fieldwork of 48 in-depth interviews with both Taiwanese expatriate spouses and Chinese domestic workers conducted during 2008-2013. Research results show, firstly, that meals with Taiwanese flavors in the everyday cooking of expatriate families are significant not just because they embody elements of nostalgia, but also because of the discourse on health of Taiwanese food made by accompanying spouses. Secondly, "Taiwanese cooking" in the kitchen of Taiwanese expatriate families is not mainly comprised of imported foods from Taiwan, but relying on the division of labor in the kitchen including shopping, meals planning and cooking that has been negotiated among Taiwanese accompanying wives and Chinese female domestic workers. Finally, for Taiwanese expatriate spouses as "situational full-time housewives" in China, home-cooked meals with Taiwanese flavors are essential both for demonstrating their love and concern for families and bringing all relocated family members to eat together "as a family".

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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