This paper aims at exploring the significance of the emergence of online female writers alongside the popularization of the Internet since the 1990s, a development that has transformed the practices of both literary creation and appreciation. A case study is conducted on Pai Fan Yu Shih Tai Fu (Subversion of Imperial Censorship Officials), an alternate history novel by Bozo Goldfish, published online on Jinjiang Web, the most well-known online literature website in China, and is subsequently published in six volumes by Muse Art and Culture Management Co. Ltd. in Taiwan. This paper is composed of two parts: the first part analyzes how historical materials and elements are employed in the writing of online literature and compares time-travel and alternate history novels in terms of the origin and writing strategies; the second part explains how the story of a talented woman is presented in the example of Pai Fan Yu Shih Tai Fu. While this online novel has not drawn as much academic attention as works of classical literature, its unique aesthetic value is found in its integration of romance and historical materials.
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