Language education in Taiwan at the college level favors foreign tones; consequently, neither is Taiwanese education implemented, nor is the language practiced as the medium of instruction. As the pedagogy combining language and knowledge learning, such as CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), has been the trend, the principal researcher in this study designs a Taiwanese-as-medium-of-instruction course ("TMI" hereafter) teaching linguistics for college general education in Taiwan. The curriculum integrates CLIL's four core elements, i.e., content, cognition, communication, and culture. By using questionnaires, before and after the teaching, this study examines how TMI promotes students' multilingualism and affects their attitudes toward Taiwanese. We divide students into three clusters based on their frequencies in using Taiwanese in leisure and study contexts. The findings are as follows. Overall, TMI fortifies multilingualism and a positive attitude toward Taiwanese, especially as students credit Taiwanese conversation as informational as their Mandarin and English counterparts. Students with a mid-level frequency in using Taiwanese in leisure and study contexts display significantly positive impact of TMI. We conclude that TMI helps create a multilingual climate in college education, and multilingual college education is critical for improving students' Taiwanese proficiency.
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