


Collection and Analysis of "Piano Concerto" by Taiwanese Composers




莊文達(Wen-Ta Juang)


臺灣作曲家 ; 鋼琴協奏曲 ; 統整與分析 ; Piano Concerto ; Taiwanese composers ; music analysis




16期(2012 / 05 / 01)


25 - 62






This research focus on the analysis of ”Piano Concerto” by Taiwanese composers, including the works by the elder, mid and young generations. The works of composers of elder generation include ”Piano Concertino” by Chih-Yuan Kou, ”Bai Jia Zhuen” by Tsang-Houei Hsu, ”Piano Concerto No. 2” by Yen Lu;The works of mid generation composers include ”Theme & Variation of Lo-Ta-Yu” by Sung-Jen Hsu, ”Piano Concerto” by Tai-Jan Hsiao ,”Guan-Du Fantasy” by Shui-Lung Ma;The works of younger composers include ”The Universe” by Ching-Yu Lin, ”Piano Concertino” by Tsung-Hsien Yang, ”Piano Concertino” by Yao-Kuang Chung, ”Wings of the Plough” by Wen-Ta Juang and many more.The analysis of this research, attempted to discuss the musical language and the techniques that were applied and laid in the composition from the perspective of motives and the materials used. And get a constant balance combination between ”discordant” and ”harmonious” as well as ”form” and ”content”. To achieve this, the theory of analysis include the method of traditional analysis, annotation analysis and many more as basis to arrange and organize. Moreover, explain western composing perspective, eastern culture perspective and the esthetics view of native language from the compositional ideas and materials used by the composers.The style and the maturity of personal musical language were difficult to declare in this research, thus, the personal style of the composers were constructed. However, this research organized the compositions listed above by the creation grammar and esthetics view of stylistic composing. Furthermore, combine their composing perspective with the idea of ”traditional” and ”modern” or ”western” and ”native”, gradually, analyze thoroughly the musical thoughts and language.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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