Richard Strauss (1864-1949) is a representative figure of the genre "Orchesterlieder". Judging from his creative process, we can divide his work for this genre into two sub-categories: the original "Orchestergesang" and the "Klavierlied- Orchestrierung". Strauss's orchestral arrangement of his own Lied embodies both the historic evolution and its derivation from this specific music genre; but more importantly it illuminates how Lied was viewed and even manipulated as a commercial product in the fin-de-siècle music industry. By re-examining primary sources, including Strauss's correspondence, documents pertaining to these works' performance history and their publication, the author investigates the motivation of Strauss's orchestration for his own piano Lieder, especially the commercial factors involved, and unfolds the textual interplay between composition-performance-publication of "Klavierlied-Orchestrierung".
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