


Creation Analysis of the Military Literature and Arts—From the Concert to the Musical in Honor of the Victory of the Resistance War Against Japanese Aggression




黃千珮(Chien-Pei HUANG)


國軍新文藝 ; 音樂會 ; 音樂劇 ; 敘事分析 ; 後現代 ; performance aesthetics in the national army ; concerts ; musicals ; narratological analysis ; postmodern aesthetics




25期(2016 / 11 / 01)


39 - 68




本研究以《抗戰勝利60 週年音樂會-為勝利而生》、《抗戰勝利暨臺灣光復70 週年音樂劇-碧血丹心、永續和平》兩場演出為研究對象,並將「文學文本」的概念轉換為「演出本文」,以演出影像資料作為主要分析之文本,其他相關資訊為輔,探討兩場音樂活動在設計架構上的異同,進行敘事分析以及作後現代特質的檢視;結論中,除喚起大家對軍中藝文人才的重視,並肯定製作團隊的努力外,也針對第二場音樂劇的內容及未來國軍藝術展演活動的發展方向提出問題與建議,期待軍中藝文工作者的持續精進,讓製作團隊能以更創新、更多元、掌握社會脈動的演出手法與技巧,共創軍中藝文的堅強實力。


The subjects of this study are two commemorative performances, namely, "Born to Victory—the Concert in Honor of the 60th Anniversary of the Anti- Japanese War Victory" and "Loyalty Unto Death, Sustainable Peace─the Musical in Honor of the 70th Anniversary of the Anti-Japanese War Victory and the Retrocession of Taiwan." By converting the concepts of "literary text" and "performing script", these two performances, the former a concert and the latter a musical, apply images to invoke memories of the war. The author compares the conceptual design and structures in theses two works and investigates them from the perspectives of narratology and postmodernism. The conclusion highlights the significance of the performing arts in the national army, recognizes the efforts of the production teams for these two performances, and suggests possible future developments, especially based upon the musical. It is hoped that the performance artists in the national army can continue to create works, which can reflect the socio-cultural milieu and renovate the tradition of military aesthetics.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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