
Sounding as God's Name: Adorno on Music's Similarity to Language






王尚文(Shang-Wen WANG)


God's Name ; Humanity ; Language ; Music's Similarity to Language ; Tetragrammaton ; 上帝之名 ; 人性 ; 語言 ; 音樂的類語言性 ; 四字神名




32期(2020 / 05 / 01)


29 - 55




The complex and tangled relationship between music and language has been a fundamental subject in the development of western music. Adorno coins the term "music's similarity to language" to discuss this relationship and uses the configuration of "God's Name" for explicating the unique form of music representation. This article contains three parts. The first part brings out Adorno's distinction of "sign" and "image" in his Dialectic of Enlightenment through which the distinction between the "language of science" and the "language of art" emerge. The second part turns to Aesthetic Theory, in which Adorno argues that the aim of the language of art is to reveal the "non-identity" of "natural beauty". The third part focuses on the language, which music is similar to, is not normal, everyday language. Instead it is a subclass of language related to the "proper name", which can be extended to "God's Name". In Jewish tradition, a proper name has the power to call into existence the bearer of the name. Music, like proper names, obtains its absolute presence in sound; and like God's Name, (as in the "Tetragrammaton") it is simultaneously revealed and concealed. Because of the similarity to language, music possesses a unique "cognitive character", which discloses the real knowledge of humanity.



主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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