


Using Comprehensive Musicianship to Draw the Practical Blueprint on Junior High School Music Curriculum




黃靜芳(Ching-Fang HUANG)


整合性音樂素養 ; 音樂課程 ; 教學歷程 ; 學習表現 ; 行動研究 ; Comprehensive Musicianship ; music curriculum ; teaching process ; learning performance ; action research




37期(2022 / 11 / 01)


41 - 92




本研究運用「整合性音樂素養」(Comprehensive Musicianship,以下簡寫為CM)於國中音樂課程,旨在規劃CM音樂課程設計、探討CM教師教學歷程與分析CM學生學習表現。課程主題「動手玩音樂」下設計三個單元:動手玩燈光秀、動手DIY卡祖笛、動手做創作曲,採用行動研究法於4個七年級班級循環教學,參與者為七年級學生116位、研究者本人與國中原班音樂教師,收集資料包括學生問卷回饋單、教師教學省思、教師觀課紀錄與教學錄影,透過三角檢證效度,提出綜合省思與結論:1.在音樂課程設計上CM具有統整音樂要素、體驗音樂角色與活化學習策略的特色;2.在教師教學歷程上CM注重充足探索時間、強化創作引導、重視班級經營;3.在學生學習表現上CM能提升學習動機、體會美感經驗與學到帶得走能力。


This study investigates Comprehensive Musicianship (CM) in a junior high school curriculum in order to research into the design of CM music curriculum, establish the pedagogical procedures of teachers, and analyze learning performance of students. Three lessons under the Play Music by Hands Curriculum were inserted into the regular music class, namely music light show, kazoo DIY, and music composition. Action research was adopted for four-cycle music curricula. Participants in this project include: 116 seventh graders at junior high school, their music teacher, and the researcher. Data were collected from questionnaires done by the students, teaching reflections, teaching records and videos. Triangulation was utilized to present findings. The conclusions are as follows: First, regarding music curriculum design, CM is conducive to integrate musical elements, experiencing music roles, and diversifying learning strategies. Second, regarding teaching procedures, teachers who apply CM pay attention to allowing students sufficient time to explore, encouraging students' motivation to compose, and reinforcing class management to help students learn deeply. Third, regarding students' learning performance, CM students demonstrate greater motivation for learning, have better aesthetic experience, and acquire more application competencies.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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