


Participate in and Hinder the Research of the Factor in recreation-take the Disablity Person as an Example




莊慶棋(Ching-Chi Chang);林紀玲(Chi-Ling Lin);吳穌(Su Wu)


休閒活動 ; 休閒阻礙 ; 身心障礙者 ; Recreation activity ; recreation are hindered ; physical and psychological obstacle person




1卷2期(2010 / 06 / 01)


44 - 60






Purpose: Participate in the type to count in time for the recreation activity of person who studies disablity person, use to understand the influence situation hindered in recreation. This research, in order to participate in the participant of the physical and psychological movable camp' the recreation camp of the clan of whom are elderly of disablity person in 2007 as the research object. Method: Test with description statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA of SPSS13.0 edition. Result: 1.The number of people participating in the recreation activity at present is regarded recreational activity as most, the adventurous activity is for being lowest. 2.Hours participating in the recreation activity at present are most with social activity activities, the adventurous activity is for being lowest. 3.It is influenced and hindered by the personal factor and cognitive factor mainly that recreation is participated in. 4.Different disablity person of backgrounds are participated in having no difference of showing in recreation, but learn with the gender, women participate in the recreation activity and participate in time and is greater than man. Learn with the grade of obstacle, while participating in the recreation activity, whose name is the light, in action respect proportion, and degrees of obstacle convenience that come not serious of degrees of obstacle. With economic situation learn, it participate in recreation activity than in, income not low participate in chance, recreation of activity's coming high. Learn, it was many that others accompanied the time to participate in the recreation activity and accompanied more than the relative and came alone for the persons who accompany. Propose the following suggestion in accordance with the result: The physical and psychological obstacle person's recreation activity participated in relatively leans towards static behavior, advise the government or the public organization to develop the physical and psychological plural recreation activity type of obstacle. Strengthen non-governmental or functionality, community of group, is it suit physical and psychological activity of obstacle person to hold more.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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