


Social Support of Sport and Participation of Regular Leisure Activity of Adults




李政明(Jeng-Ming Li);鍾志強(Jr-Chiang Jung)


規律休閒運動 ; 運動社會支持 ; 休閒運動參與 ; Regular Leisure Activity ; Social Support of Sport ; Participation in Regular Leisure Activity




2卷1期(2010 / 12 / 31)


48 - 62






Abstract This study investigated the affect of social support in regular leisure activities (RLA) on the participation of RLA. The researching implement ”Questionnaire of social support in the regular leisure activities” was designed to find out if there are differences of participation in RLA and perceived social support of RLA across different age groups. Adults lives in Changhua county, Yunlin county and Chiayi county were investigated. The results showed that: There were significant differences of participation in RLA between male and female, and higher in men than women. For age, only the dimension of messageexchanging were significantly different. Anslyses from Two-way ANOVA showed that the main effect of the age on participation in RLA were significantly different. Regression analysis indicated that Feeling-Interaction and Real-Needs were two significant dimensions, and the variances to predict the participation in RLA were 12%. The implications for practice and research were discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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